Hi Stan and all, I would like to express my gratitude over the recent tang interpretations, Thanks for all your support! It really meant much to me now that I can appreciate my blades more. Thanks to Pete for sharing some knowledge. I hope you guys can extend more help to do some more interpretations with 4 more tang signatures and 3 unsigned blades, That I have posted yesterday, If anyone could at least give me an idea on the origin of the blades as to province or possible smith etc. I would be happy.Lastly ,I could send more pictures of the blades if required. Awaiting any News.... Regards,
Hi Jo, Will do, but it will
Hi Jo,
Will do, but it will take some time. I hope Pete will join in as he is much more experienced than me!
How long did it take you to build your collection?
Hi Stan, Yes, I know that it
Hi Stan,
Yes, I know that it will take time,I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that Pete would join in too. I am just new at collecting, Ive been at it for 10years now, But I Know I still have a lot to learn. I am happy I found you guys so I can share what I have.
Well, Keep me posted!